Camp Tao
A non - competitive outdoor Yoga and mindfulness Day Camp
Camp Dates
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 2:00pm
Week 1 June 15-19
Week 2 June 22-26
Week 3 June 29—July3
Week 4 July 6-10
Week 5 July 13-17
Week 6 July 20-24
Week 7 July 27-31
We live very overstimulated lives and our children’s developing sensory systems struggles to process this information in a way that supports learning.
Kids Yoga Camp is a fun way for kids to begin a life-long practice that promotes inner calm, compassion, focus, confidence and patience.
Boys and girls 5 thru 12 discover and deepen their connection with the natural world through observation, reflection, group and individual activities
Camp Tao gets kids moving outdoors. We provide a nurturing, supportive, non-competitive atmosphere, teach Mindfulness techniques, practice working cooperatively in groups, encourage creative expression, learn priceless self-calming techniques for relaxation, develop special friendships and have loads of fun.
Campers are empowered with the philosophy of “Tao” pronounced “Dao” .
Our campers leave knowing that the “Breath “ is the path that controls everything about their beings and will be knowledgeable about it use to reset themselves as needed.
Kids will learn to meditate by watching animals; stretch their bodies with yoga poses and practice how to use their breath to manage stress and emotions
Enriching lives
The activities for Tao Yoga Camps are specially chosen for their enriching qualities and alignment with our goal of offering children a fun, educational, and creative summer experience.
We purposefully accept only 12 campers each week, ensuring a one on one meaningful connection. Our Yoginis will stretch and energize their bodies and minds, learn to express themselves creatively, work cooperatively in groups and practice being a peace maker.
A week with us includes:
Yoga practice, breathing, relaxation and meditation.
Daily character building and community building games.
Design and maintenance Reflection Journals.
Thai Chi
Self-Care Techniques - massage and mudras
Identifying with Animals - journaling activity
Fostering inner Strength and Courage exercises
Go Bold- Art projects
Exploring the Chakras – properties of colors, color meditation.